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Write My Thesis Paper

Can anyone write my thesis?

This is a question many senior year students ask. Is there actually a person or a website that could write a great thesis paper from scratch?

In fact, there is such a quality site –

We do everything from a short 5-paragraph argumentative essay to a full-fledged 150-page dissertation. Everything is done from scratch. Everything is written by subject-savvy Ph.D. level specialists.

Our website will write a thesis paper for you, just say the word. All we need are the order details and a secure payment so a writer could start working on your order.

Promo Code: first15

Can Someone Write My Thesis for Me?

Who can help me write my thesis?

There are 3 types of writers on our site who can help do your academic magnum opus:

  • STANDARD WRITERS. The best choice in terms of price and quality. If you’re not in a hurry, a standard writer is your best shot.
  • TOP WRITERS. To fill your paper with extra quality and meet a burning deadline, there’s no one else rather than a top writer to seek help from.
  • PREMIUM WRITERS. The most experienced and educated experts, our premium writers deliver 150% results within a short period of time.

Work will include everything from topic research to thesis statement writing and proofreading. When we’re done with your order, you’ll enjoy a genuine 100% plagiarism free paper that could be submitted as-is. No revisions needed.

Using is the fastest way to finish your Ph.D. thesis up to the mark.

Only Professional Thesis Writers

Will a real expert write my thesis paper?

Absolutely, no undergrad or college dropout will ever work on your paper. Not on our website, at least. Our writers are real-deal thesis masters who know all in and out of doing this type of research paper writing.

Your paper will also contain:

  1. Literature review.
  2. Research proposal.
  3. Thesis statement.
  4. Annotated bibliography.
  5. Plagiarism report.
  6. Reference list.
  7. Relevant quotes.

Research, drafting, editing, proofreading, and formatting are on the house. You don’t have to research or write anything because all the stages of the writing process are done by your writer.

Can I reach out to a writer who will write my thesis for me?

But of course! We have a secure Message board tool that lets you send your writer messages and get prompt replies. Our service offers you real human writers only with whom you can exchange messages, as well as ask for a draft, for example, or give writing status updated.

100% Result Guarantee

For us, the high quality of writing isn’t just a mere sound. It’s what we aim for; it’s what makes us wake up in the morning.

More than 75% of thesis papers we write are accepted as is on the first try. The other 25% are returned by the acceptance committee for quick revisions, which is totally okay. Note that all revisions are done by us for free within a month. As the revisions are done and professors are pleased, you could turn in your thesis without a hitch.

When I hire someone to write my thesis paper for me, I expect nothing less…

Which is the right thing to do! Hire professionals who can guarantee that your scholarly project will be fulfilled up to the mark by a competent writer.

Place an order in advance, and the price will be budget-friendly, too.

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This is How Great Thesis Papers Are Written

How to write my PhD thesis if I were to write it myself?

Writing a thesis normally takes a couple of months, sometimes more. It’s a really huge paper, so many students begin working on it a whole year prior to the defense date.

In case you’d like to learn the essentials of thesis writing, then we’d be glad to share some pro writing tips with you!

Choosing a Topic

Writing a thesis implies finding a topic that has been less researched and offering a room for in-depth studying. A good topic is the one that engages you personally and has the potential to make an academic breakthrough.

Writing a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a short sentence, a pretty simple one, which conveys the main idea of your paper. It has to make a claim which will engage your readers. The entire thesis is dedicated to explaining this claim made in a thesis statement.

Writing a Proposal

Do I have to do my thesis and a proposal? Most universities will ask you to work with a preceptor. Who is that? Basically, it’s one of the professors who’ll be mentoring and guiding you through the writing process.

To make a preceptor interested in your work, you should write a proposal – a short overview of your full thesis, containing brief information about a topic, a thesis statement, sources, what has been already done, and what are you going to do next.


Just as any academic paper, a thesis consists of an introduction, main body, and a conclusion. However, unlike a common essay, the main body of a thesis consists of specific chapters, namely:

  • Literature review/Theory.
  • Methodology/Methods.
  • Findings/Results.

All in all, there are 5 complex chapters in a thesis you’ll have to work on in a written form plus a proposal. You might also need to write Acknowledgements in you’re asked to in your university.

Proofreading and Editing

It doesn’t matter whether you’re tired or exhausted because after writing a thesis you will have to proofread it. Finding every little typo or grammar flaw is key for the paper to be accepted. You might want to use Grammarly to speed the process up.

If professors find a fault, even a minor one, you’ll have to revise your writing over and over again.

Some papers don’t make it till the defense because a student failed to live up to all the revision requests.

So approach the paper editing stage with all due attention and diligence or hire a professional writer to edit and proofread your thesis.

Plagiarism Check

An accepted level of academic plagiarism can’t be more than 10%. The less, the better. To make sure there’s no plagiarism, use such an instrument as CopyScape. If there’s any plagiarism found, you’ll have to rewrite texts until the spotted plagiarism is fixed, especially if you copy-and-pasted stuff from the internet. If plagiarism is left unattended, you will be penalized and even banned from defense!

Order Thesis Help Now – Save 15% 

How much should I pay someone to write my thesis?

The prices vary from $11/page on some low-quality websites to $17/page and above on more professional sites.

If you want to pay less, place your order on our Expert-Writers website. We’ll give you 15% OFF your thesis in case it’s the first time you’re getting our service. The bonus promo code has already been entered on the order page.

Save $100 or more on your thesis or dissertation today!